Healthy Home Certification is not only the necessity but also a right of everyone who is residing in the home. Providing a healthy home with all the require facilities is our premium and utmost goal. Because we believe a healthy environment can impact profoundly on the people who are living in the house. In addition, the compliance clear homes can get the best value as well. As a result, at A Cube Rentals we give the priority to healthy home and get it done certification for your property. Organize Healthy home inspection will solve your core problem of "How I may rent my house?"
Enhanced Well-being: A healthy home encourages the physical and minimize the hazards like, Mold, dampness, and air pollutants. It helps to reduce the risk of illness and other health related issues.
Improved Comfort: To improve the comfortability of indoor environment a proper insulation, heating, and ventilation are necessary. It helps the tenants feel cozy and satisfied with their living space.
Energy Efficiency: In a present scenario and especially in the country like New Zealand the carbon emission needs to be considered. Such energy-efficient features and equipment not only helps to produce clean energy but also reduces the utility cost for tenants as well.
Tenant Satisfaction: Being property manager providing a healthy home to the tenants in an important as well as essential part of the profession. It shows the care and consideration for tenants’ well-being. Overall, this health-conscious approach brings a positivity between the property manager to landlord and tenant.
The New Zealand government has introduced legislation aimed at improving the quality of rental housing and ensuring that all rental properties meet minimum health and safety standards. The Healthy Homes Standards, which came into effect in July 2019, outline specific requirements for rental properties in areas such as heating, insulation, ventilation, moisture ingress, and drainage.
To comply with the Healthy Homes Standards, landlords are required to ensure that their rental properties meet the prescribed standards within specified timeframes. Failure to comply with these standards can result in penalties and enforcement action by regulatory authorities.
Additionally, landlords are encouraged to obtain certification from accredited inspectors to verify compliance with the Healthy Homes Standards. Certification provides assurance to tenants that the property meets the required standards and enhances the property's marketability and rental appeal.
At A Cube Rentals Property Management company, inspection and compliances are among the core duties. Before renting any property, we ensure that all the rental properties must meet or exceed the Healthy Home Standards.
Thorough Assessment: To identifies the deficiencies, we conduce the comprehensive assessments of rental properties. We make sure that any areas must not left with non-compliance parameter and fulfil all the requirements of Healthy Home Standards.
Remediation Planning: If in case any sort of issues addressed during the assessment then we develop the customized remediation planning for them. Such practice includes installing insulation, improving ventilation, or upgrading heating systems.
Regular Monitoring: To ensures the rental properties meet the Healthy Home Standards we schedule the regular inspections. Such sort of the inspections helps us to identify the arising issues before it is getting late. The tenant will get the safe and habitable properties is the aim of our company.
Documentation and Certification: After completion of the remediation work, it is necessary to obtain the certification of Healthy Home from the accredited inspectors or agencies. They can verify the compliance with the Healthy Homes Standards and based on the given documents issue the certificate. The certificate is an assurance to the property owners and tenants the property is healthy and livable.
Giving healthy home is not only the legal requirement that we have to just fulfil it but also it a moral duty in property management profession. The overall purpose of the Healthy Homes is to create such environment that prioritizing tenant well-being. It complies with regulatory standards and most importantly maintain the high-quality rental properties.
139 Dominion Road, Mount Eden, Auckland 1024, New Zealand
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